miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Pure Chile, your sky is bluuuue

Chile, that’s the country that I have lived my all my life. It was discovered for a bunch of men that wanted power for their country and probably have sex with Indian woman. They came and did that, and also killed and took the land of the Indian that lived here. That’s how Chile was born. A lot of time passed after that, and this country had his 100th birthday, but only three years before that, a lot of men were killed because they were on a strike because of the injustice of their work taking saltpeter out. More than 2000 men were killed that day, Happy birthday Chile, You must be proud.

Well, right now we are in 2010, the year of the bicentenary. And it started with something that shows me how small and dumb we all are. First our new president it’s the biggest ass that I have ever seeing (on tv), I hate politics and politicians, but the fact that Piraña was made president in a democratic way, it really of killed this year (and the next 4, I guess). After that, the earthquake hit everybody very hard, seeing half of the country suffered in this year of ‘celebration’ was very ironic and awful. That’s when I knew how everybody saw things now. The patriotism that was born with that situation has being feed by the media by sending a very wrong message, is like we have to be proud of everything that happens in here. Like we have to say ‘I love Chile, we are the best and don’t look what is wrong, because there’s nothing wrong'.

I hate this. We are not the best country, we are no better than anyone, I mean, while the miners were getting rescued, a bunch of Mapuches were starving to death because the government was accepting a law that didn’t even let them protest for their rights. But no one notice because everyone was looking at the paper that our beloved president showed everywhere, that said the miners where ok.

Chile can not be proud about the things that are happening here. I wish we can all open our eyes and realized that.

Books can blow your mind off

Actually i don't know very much about them, i'm not a very good reader.

The first book that i fell in love, was one that a teacher gave me in school when i was in 4th grade, it's called 'El Gato Mog', it was about a grandmother and her cat that behavied badly, one day she gave him yeast and he became a giant, because of that he saved the village of an awful storm.. I think that is one of the most important books of my life. I Know that it's kind of dull, but that is the book of my childhood.

Right now i'm always forcenme to read, i actually like books a lot, but i'm a little lazy (only a little), so I never finish any of the books that I try to read.

I love bram stoker's Dracula, I devoured that book, they way that is written is the most interesting thing that it has, I mean, the book is a recolecction of diaries of the characters that tell you the event that happened with dracula. It’s really cool, eventhough that the movie killed it a little.

A good book that I read reacently is ‘La Noche del oráculo’ of an American writer, Paul Auster. It’s very well written, it keeps you interested very much and the most fun thing is that at one point on the book, you are reading a book, about a guy who is reading a book, about a guy that is reading a book. It’s not that complicated as is sounds. Also, I read a Book that has an amazing name, “De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de amor’ of Raymond Carver, that is a recollection of short stories about the subject, he is a very good writer, I think at the beginning I didn't understand what he was trying to say with this book, but after I finished it I got it, I recommend you to read it.

My favorite book, is ‘El Tunel’ of Ernesto sábato, the book begins telling you that the leading character, Juan Pablo Castel, killed a woman, and during the book he explains to you why he killed her. It’s unbelievably good, it’s one of the best things that I have ever read.

I think there’s no better thing that books to stimulate your imagination, I wish I was a better reader, Things are always better when you imagine them.

Here they are....THE BEATLES!

After more than 10 years that Apple has being trying to get the Beattles on their catalog of ITunes, The record company EMI has agreed that theirs song can be download by everyone today.
Everyone is really happy that the ‘Fab Four’ are now part of the digital technology. Ringo has said that he is glad that no one will ask him about when they’ll be on ITunes anymore.
It was a difficult process, because The Beatles has a company called Apple Corps, so they have being fighting in court with Apple’s Owner Steven Jobs for the name, the past 30 years. Everything was so much easy when apple was just a fruit.

The widows of John and George, didn’t want the songs to be released digitaly, they thought that with this, copy the songs will be easier. But Emi thought that they misunderstood what technology could do for them. Besides, meanwhile, everyone that buys the beatles’s Cds, would rip them and illegally share them online ( wooohooo).

For this to happened, EMI will have to pay Paul, Ringo, and the two widows a lot of money. Actually, in 2011, Itunes will be the only online place to buy Beatles songs.

Their prices are not that bad, Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is priced at £10.99 and the entire catalog is price at 125 dollars.

The important thing here is that this still shows that the beatles are the most important band of all times, not only because people were desperate for download them on a legal way, but also because their songs are already being in the charts of ITunes only after a few hours that their songs are being released.

I know this has not relation with what i'm studing, sorry, but it's the beattles! everything about them it's relevant!

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

The boring Green

Ok. I’m not used to the boring green. I guess if I think about my life habits, I don’t really worry about that, of course I’m concerned about being good and clean with my beloved field of JGM, but about the environment in general, I don’t think much. I guess it’s because I’m kind of sure that in 2012 the extraterrestrials will come and pulverize our little planet with their powerful green laser.

I think the environmentally friendly practices are more familiar to everyone now. That’s what Al Gore did for the planet (haha). In my family everyone collects cardboard, so they can recycle it later and also a lot of them choose to use their bikes and not their cars. I believe that’s the most helpful thing that you can do. I would do it, but I live too far, I would have to wake up way too early to do that, and I’m a selfish person, I would never miss hours of sleep for that, sorry planet earth. I do walk a lot, on weekends anyway, because I don’t have responsibilities then and I usually don’t have to be anywhere on time, I like that. But now that summer is getting here. I won’t do it that much, I hate the summer heat.

I’m not part of any organization or group. A lot of times I tried to be a vegetarian, but that didn’t work out, not when a McDonalds is around the corner (fail).

I guess I would like to do something about this, use my bike, recycle, don’t eat animals, have one of those houses that only consume solar energy, I bet that Al Gore has one of those, and he loves it.

I guess that what we need is to get serious about this issue, because no one really cares, my dad will never stop using his car, neither will do my brothers, or the millions of cars that there are in this city. But for this to happen the streets of Santiago need to be friendlier with the people who use bikes, I mean, in the CICLOVIA of Alameda there’s a tree right in the middle, wtf is that?

Maybe we will die before this planet explodes because we think we will never be able to kill it.